Starting a thread like this does more harm than good for anyone. Your source most likely is "low ranking", perhaps not even credible based on the many links you have shared here in the past.
Very little of this has to do with the virus itself, it's MUCH BIGGER than you can imagine.
Stay calm. Fear nothing. Trust the Plan.
Starting a thread sure as heck rightfully shows that not everyone agrees with your notion of downplaying the Virus, brushing it aside, the numbers cited,
and in essence dismissing its importance as nothing more than a housefly.
The big question is why should anyone believe that your sources are any more credible than the one cited here?
I provide people with .GOV links, actual court documents, pics taken from INSIDE of things I talk about... pics that can only come from people on the inside or "in the know".
You share MSM FakeNews links who support only one agenda... FEAR!
:hahahahahMy friend said the lockdowns aren't going to end anytime soon , she said that behind closed doors they are loving this (not trump) but others , she used to be a democrat but after working in d.c & watching / paying attention she knows how evil they really are . & she said it goes both ways for career politicians . She said that the democrat politicians are especially evil ..... all you have too do is really pay attention to what their saying & doing . She also said that dianne Feinstein had an ' inkling' that something might be wrong with the gentleman who worked as her driver ( he turned out to be a Chinese spy ) but never did look into him . She said that the STENCH of corruption is unbearable in d.c & that they really don't give a shit about the American people , it's about what they can do to line their pockets with cash & gain power . She met trump briefly & liked him & said he really does love America & seems like a stand up guy & he wants to go down as one of America's greatest presidents ever .
Can't do that homeboy .....gotta protect her , people in d.c end up dead for stuff like this ...... remember CHANDRA LEVY ?Could I have your friend's phone number if you don't mind? I want to get to the bottom of this so I'm going straight to the top. Enough of this sitting around and not doing anything.